Search for a Church based on your experiences

Share your testimony: What has been your experience with Churches? What was good; what do you want to find again? What was not good; what would you like to avoid in the future?  Type anything. "Key words" will do the work of developing your profile and suggesting personal connections just for you.

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Find a Church based on your Needs and Gifts

What Do you do to serve the body of Christ?  What are you passionate about? What are you good at?  What are your areas of need? Type in anything that touches you and "Key words" will do the work of developing your profile and suggesting personal connections just for you.

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Who are your contacts and friends. Upload your friends list and ChurchMatcher will help you sort them in a way that will help you create personal connections just for you.


Google, Constant Contact, Linked in, Pintrest, Facebook ... ect.

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Since 1993


can help your church integrate your members into a cohesive, integrated network.  Your members will know each other better and will know their unique opportunities to plug in and serve.

ChurchMatcher can help your church reach the lost, serve your community, function in conjunction with other local bodies, make friends. find other local ministries that can help you serve every need in your local body.

ChurchMatcher can give each person a voice, a connection, and an opportunity to serve.


Here you are:

Lets see how your profile is looking.   Your name is __________

You attend ____________

You serve in ___________

You like the music - 8 , the teaching - 8, the size - 100 people. You have 50 mutual friends who also affiliate with SFCC.  Your ministries of interest are gardening, cooking, and teaching 4 year olds.