
Our Approach


can help your church integrate your members into a cohesive, integrated network.  Your members will know each other better and will know their unique opportunities to plug in and serve.


can help your church reach the lost, serve your community, function in conjunction with other local bodies, make friends. find other local ministries that can help you serve every need in your local body.


can give each person a voice, a connection, and an opportunity to serve.

Our Story

Meet the Team

We've been there.  Being a part of something bigger is what we want and it is what we want for you.


The Roady Family

Founders & CEO

Looking for a church home taught us to help you find a church home.


Joshua Miles

Vice President

Talented Programmer

Josh and Julie

Josh and Julie

Church is a family. Family is what we are

Next Steps...

Build a profile with us and find a place with those you love and those who love you.